How can I get anxiety relief
But the most helpful thing of all that I have come across is truth cards. So what are truth cards? In essence they are like an emotional survival kit. They are small in size (credit card holder size) therefore you carry them around with you wherever you go. Truth cards are written statements that are created to help you on a daily basis to re-assure your mind. A practical, accessible item that can help instantly in the moment. Designed to challenge unhelpful thinking patterns and replace these thoughts with helpful, truthful statements that are uplifting and supportive. They give you something constructive to hold on to when you’re going through a rough time, or help you focus your desires on what you want instead of what you don’t want.
It is important to read your truth cards at least 3 x per day so that you can slowly retrain your mind to work for you not against you. Keeping them with you as much as possible is the idea of this pack, to make them constantly accessible. In essence your truth cards are acting as your rational mind, when yours may be temporarily inactive.